Monday, November 11, 2013

Five for Five: Morning Stretches to Wake-up and Strive

Tuesday November 12, 2013 – 11:13 AM
Paige Grasby
Public Relations Representative for Gymnastics Ontario

As gymnast we know what it’s like when you wake up and you are sore, stiff and more. So we have decided to give you guys five easy morning stretches that will energize you, by getting the blood flowing and the muscles relaxed, before you even sit down to have breakfast or have a shower and it will only take five minutes. These are simple stretches to do at home in your pajamas and maybe some relaxing music. What can get more comfortable then that? 

1.    Flat Back Twist

  • ·      Lie flat on your back. Draw both knees in toward your chest, and give them a hug.
  • ·      Release your legs and straighten them up in the air as much as possible. You can also keep them bent close to your body. It tends to be easier.
  • ·      During the exhale, open your left arm, gaze to the left side, and drop your legs toward the right. Reach for your thigh, ankle, or foot, and look toward your left hand.
  • ·      Hold for 30 seconds before coming back to center and then repeat on the other side.

How many of you guys toss and turn during your sleep? Or maybe wake up in a weird position, one you know you didn’t start in? Well this stretch should always be the first thing you do when you get out of bed because it help realign you spine and wake up your muscles from those crazy sleeps.

2.    Behind the Back Stretch

  • ·      Stand comfortably with feet apart and reach both hands behind your bum, and interlock your fingers.
  • ·      To increase the stretch in your neck, slowly lower your right ear toward your shoulder.
  • ·      Stay here for 30 seconds, and then switch sides.

This stretch may seem simple, but it is one of the most rewarding, especially if you are heading out for a busy day at work. This stretch helps open your chest creating better airflow to your lungs making you more awake and aware. It also helps release any neck tension that may have been caused by the way you sleep or the pillow you sleep on. Releasing neck tension is great for relieving stress and becoming more relaxed throughout the day.

3.      Tip-Over Stretch

  • ·      Keeping your hands interlocked behind your back and feet apart, keep your legs straight, bend at the hips, tucking your chin and bringing your hands over your head.
  • ·      Relax the back of your neck, and if the stretch is too intense, then release your hands, placing them on the backs of your thighs, and soften your knees. Hold for 30 seconds, and slowly roll up to standing, then repeat.

This stretch is to be an overall stretch. This helps release any build up of muscles fluid and strain from not moving all night. It helps improve lower back pain, open you shoulder, stretch your arms, back and hamstrings.

4.    Butterfly

  •        Sit on the ground, bending both knees and bringing your feet together.
  •        Using your hands, open your feet up like a book. Use your muscles to press your knees down toward the floor. This will help to open your hips even more.
  •         Lengthen your spine, drawing your belly button toward your spine. Relax your shoulders and gaze either in front of you or toward your feet.
  •         Stay here for about 30 seconds, and then slowly begin to fold forward, drawing your torso toward your legs. Remember to try to keep your spine straight.
  •         You can keep your hands on your feet, pressing your knees down with your arms. If you want more of a stretch, then extend your arms out in front of you instead. Stay here for 30 seconds or as long as you want.

What’s long and hard and as stiff as a plank of wood? Get your mind out of the gutter…I’m talking about your hip flexors. Tight Hip Flexors can be a big problem, and easy to get, especially if you work at a desk. I know when I sit at the computer too long, I tighten up very quickly, and by the end of the day I am just sore. The butterfly was designed to help release that tension and relax those muscles. There are many different variations of a butterfly, so if the one above is not suited for you try one of these; Butterfly Variations.

5.    Cat Pose

  • Begin with your hands and knees on the floor. Make sure your knees are under your hips and your wrists are under your shoulders. Begin in a table top position, with your back flat and don’t forget to squeeze those abs.
  • Now round your spine up toward the ceiling, and imagine you're pulling your belly button up toward your back. Tuck your chin toward your chest, and let your neck release. This is your cat-like shape. Meow.
  • The next step is to arch your back, let your belly relax, and go loose. Lift your head and tailbone up toward the sky
  • Continue flowing back and forth from both position.

Moving between these two poses help warm up the entire body while giving your back a nice stretch. This stretch helps with overall release of tension and forces you to focus on your breathing. Similar to the first stretch, Flat Back Twist, this stretch also helps realign the spine making you walk taller and walk with confidence.

I know I am not the only one in the morning that as soon as I get up my body forces me into a BIG stretch, does it? Your body in the morning is already telling you all by itself that it needs to be stretch and relaxed.  Stretching works to increase flexibility and range of motion in the muscles and joints. It also improves circulation and relieves tension. These are all things are body wants use to have before we run around living our crazy lives. So take five minutes out of your morning and do these five easy stretches every morning for a week and leave comments on what you did, how you felt, did it work for you, anything!

Have you’re self a tension free morning.